Adjustable Eyeglasses
Kendall Optometry Ministry has worked out an arrangement with a company out of the UK named Adlens to provide these adjustable eyeglasses. These glasses can be independently adjusted on the left or the right eye for a range of sphere from -6 Diopters (nearsighted patients) to +3 Diopters (farsighted patients). There is no correction for Astigmatism (cylinder) or is there a BiFocal Add. Click this link to see a video about them. To the left you can see pictures of these glasses.
Most Kendall Optometry Ministry teams provide used prescription eyeglasses to the people who visit their clinic. They can get many of these glasses from Kendall Optometry Ministry for $.35 per pair. However, in some cases they are unable to find an appropriate match for some patients from their used prescription inventory. Rather than turn these patients away with nothing at all, the adjustable eyeglasses provide an alternative.
These glasses will only be provided to Kendall Optometry Ministry teams to be used on their trips to underdeveloped countries. The cost of these glasses (in small quantities) to mission groups is $15 per pair plus shipping and handling. We suggest that each team take about 8-10 pairs with them to fill in the gap where the used glasses do not work.
If you would like to order some of these eyeglasses, click this link to send an E-Mail to Kendall Optometry Ministry. Indicate the quantity of glasses that you require and your mailing address and phone number. We will send you an invoice and then send out the glasses.