Honduras #4, 2014
From: Kim Lukens [lukenskim@yahoo.com]
Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2014 10:21 PM
To: Holland Kendall
Subject: Re: Return of kit.
It was amazing Kendall. We had several hallelujah moments! We saw a lot of people with
Pytergium (sp) and cataracts. We gave out over 500 pairs of sunglasses/reading
glasses/prescription glasses. Quite a success I would say. I sent a note with the equipment but I
wanted to tell you the airport security took the 2 wire cutters and the screwdriver set. Send the
church a bill and they will reimburse you for those. I have to tell you how much I appreciate how
much time you put into all of this training and equipment. It was so easy returning it. Sorry I
didn't send it earlier, Brenda and I wanted to go through it together but she hasn't been able to
make to my house so I checked it all and sent it without her. It was so easy. This ministry would
not be possible without your experience and expertise.
God bless, your sister in Christ, Kim