Zimbabwe, 2014
Here is the testimonial from the team leader, Dr Lisa Fredrickson, OD.
From: Dr. Frederickson [mailto:drlisafred@XXXXXX.XXX]
Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2014 1:14 PM
To: Holland Kendall
Subject: Re: Return of kit.
Things went well! We saw more patients than we expected but we were able to dispense over 300 Rx glasses and a ton of readers that really made people happy!!! Also able to help with a lot of ocular disease cases. Getting a cataract list together now as we have a couple surgeons going over to so those surgeries next month! Such a blessing to be able to be a blessing to others!! Now I fully understand "Bless and be blessed!"
Thank you for everything! I will get a check out to you ASAP!
In Him