Chad, 2015
Here is a testimonial from the Optical team leader:
From: Drew Holland [xxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Sunday, August 09, 2015 5:23 PM
To: Holland Kendall
Cc: backpacker42
Subject: Testimonial
Here is a testimonial and a few pictures. We only have one picture of someone with their glasses
and no pictures of anyone using the autorefractor, but I attached the best we have. The pictures
of the crowds are showing Greg and Dave sharing stories from the Bible with people as they wait
for the clinic.
My team and I went on a summer trip to Chad, Africa, where we partnered with full-time
missionaries to do an eye clinic in three different towns. The clinic drew huge crowds wherever
we went and provided great opportunities for the full-time missionaries to share the gospel in the
native language and to build relationships with people that they might not have met otherwise.
Through the clinic, we were able to give glasses to and share the gospel with nearly one thousand
people over the course of the summer, as well as give away dozens of copies of Scripture.
Perhaps more importantly, the only known believer in the local tribe got to help us run the clinic
and share his faith with the people who came through. He was greatly encouraged and now has
people visiting his house to learn more about the Bible! Running the eye clinic through Kendall
Optometry Ministries proved to be a great way to both serve people and share the gospel with
them, and we are very thankful for the opportunity and the experience we had.
Drew Holland