Conference Exhibits
Southeast Christian Church in Louisville, Kentucky and also one time at an NGO conference in Atlanta, Ga..
Click here for the pictures of the November 7-9, 2024 conference.
Click here for the pictures of the November 9-11, 2023 conference.
Click here for the pictures of the November 10-12, 2022 conference.
Click here for the pictures of the November 11-13, 2021 conference.
The November, 2020 conference was held virtual so I have no pictures for it.
Click here for the pictures of the November 7-11, 2019 conference
Click here for the pictures for the November 10-12, 2016 conference.
Click here for the pictures for the November 5-7, 2015 conference.
Click here for the pictures for the November 6-8, 2014 conference.
Click here for the pictures for the November 7-9, 2013 conference.
Click here for the pictures of the November 8-10, 2012 Conference.
Click here for the pictures of the April 19-20, 2011 NGO Conference.
Click here for the pictures of the November 10-12, 2011 Conference.
Click here for the pictures of the November 11-13, 2010 Conference
Click here for the pictures of the November 12-14, 2009 Conference.
Click here for the pictures of the November 13-15, 2008 conference.
Click here for the pictures the November 9-11, 2007 conference.
Click here for the pictures for the November, 2006 conference.
Click here for the pictures of the November, 2005 conference.
November, 2024 Conference.
Below is a picture of our booth at the conference. On the left side we show a kit that we loan to Christian Teams going all over
the world. In the center and the left of pictures of happy faces of people who received glasses.
Below is a picture of the left side of the booth. It shows a clear picture of the equipment we provide to Christian Mission teams who
travel all over the world. You can also see numerous pictures of happy people. At the bottom/right you see a picture of the world
where teams have traveled with our equipment.
Below is a picture of the center of the booth. You will see many more pictures of happy people. Notice the very happy lady (pointed to
with the red arrow) in the center with her mouth wide open.
Look below at the optometrist in the red shirt named Dr Sammy Rose. Sammy helped me put the artificial intelligence into the
Glasses Inventory program causing it to select the right pair of glasses using standard optometry principles. Dr Rose passed away
March 18, 2022 but his impact will last many many years.
November, 2023 Conference.
Below is a picture of our booth at the conference. On the left side we show our kit that we loan to Christian teams going all over
the world. On the right side is a lensmeter which is used to measure glasses. In the center you see a video of many teams
doing our ministry.
Below is the left side of the booth where you can see one of the kits that we loan to Christian mission teams. On the left
of the below table is an autorefractor which is used to measure people's eyes. In the center is the laptop we provide to
those teams which is used to manage the inventory of glasses that you have. To the right of the laptop is a DYMO printer
which prints out the list of glasses in your inventory which matches the patient's prescription.
Below is a close up view of that kit. The autorefractor is to the left, the computer is in the middle and the DYMO printer to the
right. The printer prints the list of glasses in the inventory which matches the patient's prescription. This is all (except the printer)
stored in one black case. A second case (called the optical case) holds the printer, a small video display, a tool kit to repair any
glasses, lens racks, two 20 foot E-Charts, one 10 foot E-chart and other items.
Below is a picture of the right side of our booth. On the left is a Reichert AL-200 lensmeter. In the middle is a MACBOOK
running BootCamp which allows it to run Windows 10. The glasses reader program is running there which captures the
glasses prescription from the lensmeter. To the right of the laptop is a DYMO printer which prints out a barcoded label
that contains the prescription of the glasses. To the right of that is a 1.5" thick training manual which teams get when they
come to one of our training classes. Behind the manuals are copies of the "Gift of Sight" book I wrote.
The glasses inventory program prints out the list of glasses matching the patient's prescription and that list points you to
the match in that tray of glasses. Teams typically take a minimum of 2000 pairs of glasses into the field carried within 6
duffle bags each holding 2 boxes containing 2 of the trays for a total of 320 pairs of glasses within each duffle bag. Look
at the tray picture below this one. It contains 80 pairs of glasses.
November, 2022 Conference.
Below is a picture of our booth at the conference. On the left side we show our kit that we loan to Christian teams going all over
the world. On the right side is a lensmeter which is used to measure glasses. In the center you see a video of many teams
doing our ministry.
Below is the left side of the booth where you can see one of the kits that we loan to Christian mission teams. On the left
of the below table is an autorefractor which is used to measure people's eyes. In the center is the laptop we provide to
those teams which is used to manage the inventory of glasses that you have. To the right of the laptop is a DYMO printer
which prints out the list of glasses in your inventory which matches the patient's prescription.
Below is a close up view of that kit. The autorefractor is to the left, the computer is in the middle and the DYMO printer. The
printer prints the list of glasses in the inventory which matches the patient's prescription. This is all (except the printer) stored
in one black case. A second case (called the optical case) holds the printer, a small video display, a tool kit to repair any
glasses, lens racks, two 20 foot E-Charts, one 10 foot E-chart and other items.
Below is a picture of the right side of our booth. On the left is a Reichert AL-200 lensmeter. In the middle is a MACBOOK
running BootCamp which allows it to run Windows 10. The glasses reader program is running there which captures the
glasses prescription from the lensmeter. To the right of the laptop is a DYMO printer which prints out a barcoded label
that contains the prescription of the glasses. To the right of that is a 1.5" thick training manual which teams get when they
come to one of our training classes. To the left of the manuals are copies of the "Gift of Sight" book I wrote.
The glasses inventory program prints out the list of glasses matching the patient's prescription and that list points you to
the match in that tray of glasses. Teams typically take a minimum of 2000 pairs of glasses into the field carried within 6
duffle bags each holding 2 boxes containing 2 of the trays for a total of 320 pairs of glasses within each duffle bag. Look
at the tray picture below this one. It contains 80 pairs of glasses.
November, 2021 Conference.
Below is a picture of our booth at the conference. On the left side we show our kit that we loan to Christian teams going all over
the world. On the right side is a lensmeter which is used to measure glasses. In the center you see a video of many teams
doing our ministry.
Below is the left side of the booth where you can see one of the kits that we loan to Christian mission teams. On the left
of the below table is an autorefractor which is used to measure people's eyes. In the center is the laptop we provide to
those teams which is used to manage the inventory of glasses that you have. To the right of the laptop is a DYMO printer
which prints out the list of glasses in your inventory which matches the patient's prescription.
Below is a picture of the right side of our booth. On the left is a Reichert AL-200 lensmeter. In the middle is a MACBOOK
running BootCamp which allows it to run Windows 10. The glasses reader program is running there which captures the
glasses prescription from the lensmeter. To the right of the laptop is a DYMO printer which prints out a barcoded label
that contains the prescription of the glasses. To the right of that is a 1.5" thick training manual which teams get when they
come to one of our training classes. Near the front on the right is a tray of 80 pairs of glasses in numbered openings.
The glasses inventory program prints out the list of glasses matching the patient's prescription and that list points you to
the match in that tray of glasses. Teams typically take a minimum of 2000 pairs of glasses into the field carried within 6
duffle bags each holding 2 boxes containing 2 of the trays for a total of 320 pairs of glasses within each duffle bag.
November, 2019 Conference.
Below are several pictures of our booth. As has happened before, we had a lot of people who came by who had used our
equipment in the past and were able to explain the very positive experiences with others who were not familiar with our company.
The front of our booth.
Right Side of our booth. This is a measurement station using a MACBOOK running Windows 10
using a feature of the MACBOOK called Bootcamp.
This is the left side of our booth.
Picture of our of our kits on the left side of our booth.
Up close view of the right of the boot with the glasses measurement station.
November, 2018 Conference.
Below are several pictures of our booth. We had a lot of people who came by who had used our equipment in the past and were able to explain the very positive experiences with others who were not familiar with our company.
The front of our booth.
The right side of the booth where you see the lensmeter, laptop and DYMO printer to print prescription labels.
Here is the left side or our booth where you can see one of our kits that we loan to Christian mission teams going
all over the world. From left to right you see an autorefractor (to measure the eyes) a laptop (to manage your
inventory of glasses), and a printer to print out the list of glasses which match the patient's prescription.
November, 2017 Conference.
Below are pictures of our 2017 booth. Many people visited our both with some quite interested in purchasing one of our kits for permanent installation in places like India and Haiti.
Front view of our booth. The optical kit with the Retinomax 3 autorefractor is on the left and the lensmeter used
to measure glasses is on the right.
Sam Frizzell, Volunteer Coordinator, in front of our booth.
Holland Kendall, company president, in front of the booth.
Left side view of the booth showing kit on the small table and world map showing over 70 countries visited by
teams we support.
Right side view of our booth showing the lensmeter to measure glasses, a PC to capture the data and a DYMO
printer to print the barcoded label.
November, 2016 Conference.
Below are pictures of our 2016 booth. As in the past we have many hundreds of visitors to the booth plus many existing teams dropped by the booth. Once again they spent time with potential teams explaining to them how the system works and their success with the system. It really made our job much easier.
A view of our 2016 booth.
Sam Frizzell at our booth.
Holland Kendall at our booth.
Left side of booth showing Autorefractor, Laptop, Printer which are part of the optical kit we loan to teams.
Right side of our booth showing lensmeter, barcode label printer and measurement PC.
November, 2015 Conference.
Below are pictures of our 2015 booth. We had many hundreds of visitors to the booth during this 3 day conference. Many existing teams came by and (as in 2014) in some cases stayed close to talk to other potential teams and convince them to do the ministry. This has been very common for our experience at this conference.
Sam Frizzell and Holland Kendall in the Booth.
The right side of the booth.
Left side of the booth.
Front view of the booth.
November, 2014 Conference.
Below are pictures of our 2014 booth. We had many hundreds of visitors to the booth during this 3 day conference. Many existing teams came by and in some cases stayed close to talk to other potential teams and convince them to do the ministry. This has been very common for our experience at this conference.
Full booth picture.
Right side view of the booth.
Another view of the booth.
November, 2013 Conference.
Below are pictures of our 2013 booth. Once again hundreds of people visited this booth during the 3 day conference. Many existing teams came by to thank us for our help. Many of them just stood around the booth and talked to prospective teams about our ministry. They very much did the work for us.
Holland Kendall (on the left) and Sam Frizzell worked together in the booth.
November, 2012 Conference.
Below are several pictures of our 2012 booth. Once again hundreds of people visited this booth during the 3 day conference. Many existing teams came by to thank us for our help. Many of them just stood around the booth and talked to prospective customers about our ministry. They very much did the work for us.
Below is Sam Frizzell who works for the company as a volunteer coordinator.
Below is Holland Kendall who is the President of the company.
NGO Conference for Honduras in Atlanta April 19-20, 2011
Kendall Optometry Ministry had a booth at the NGO Conference for Honduras in Atlanta, Ga on April 19-20, 2011. Below are some pictures from that conference. Click here to see where Kendall Optometry Ministry has participated at other conferences.
November, 2011 Conference.
Below are several pictures of our 2011 booth. Hundreds of people visited this booth during the 3 day conference. Many existing teams came by to thank us for the work that we do. They would stand around and encourage newcomers to consider doing this ministry. I had numerous professionals come by to talk about using the equipment. Some were optometrists and others were ophthalmologists. All were very excited about being able to improve the quality and speed of our clinic. I pointed out to many of the participants that I had a testimonial from one ophthalmologist who said "That you could conceive of a software solution for matching donated glasses to specific individuals and then create it is impressive and inspirational."
Front View of our 2011 Booth.
Left side of 2011 booth.
Right side of 2011 booth.
Sam in 2011 booth after having measured somebody's eyes (see video)
Sam Frizzell and Holland Kendall in front of 2011 booth.
November, 2010 Conference.
Below are several pictures of our 2010 booth. Hundreds of people visited this booth during the 3 day conference. Many existing teams came by to thank us for the work that we do. They would stand around and encourage newcomers to consider doing this ministry. I had numerous professionals come by to talk about using the equipment. Some were optometrists and others were ophthalmologists. All were very excited about being able to improve the quality and speed of our clinic. One indicated that he liked what he saw because he could operate in the foreign country much like he does in the states where he could focus on the pathology and leave the glasses fitting to others.
(Notice the growth chart. This year 127 teams traveling to 36 countries used one of our 12 kits.)
November, 2009 Conference
Below are three pictures of our 2009 booth. Hundreds of people visited this booth during the 3 day conference. A tremendous amount of interest was developed with new mission groups. We spoke with many different people. Many of them were optical professionals. Some of these were already using the system in several locations like Zambia, Kenya, Haiti and many other countries. They like the system because it gives a discipline to what is otherwise undisciplined when they travel to a foreign country.
Front View of 2009 Booth.
November, 2008 Conference.
Below are three pictures of our 2008 booth. Hundreds of people visited this booth during the 3 day conference. A tremendous amount of interest was developed with new mission groups. The interesting thing that happened quite frequently is that a new team would come up to see how the system worked and another team who had already used the system arrived at the same time. We didn't have to say anything but introduce the two teams and the team who had already used the system did most of the talking. They had high praise for how well things had worked for them.
Dan Fox, Company Vice President is below.
Holland Kendall, Company President is below.
November, 2007 Conference.
Here are two pictures of our 2007 booth.
November, 2006 Conference
Here is a picture of our 2006 booth.
I met the below man from Nigeria at the conference. Click the below picture to learn more about the black man on the right.
Rev. Ari Mai Sule Biu
This man is from Nigeria. Click here to learn more about him. He is a pastor and came all the way to Louisville to try to find a team who would come to his village to help him and his people. He was not able to see with his glasses that he bought on the streets in Nigeria. We had some used prescription eyeglasses and were able to fit him with a pair. He is wearing them in this picture. They were an excellent match for his vision. He was able to see clearly at a distance and to read his Bible.
November, 2005 Conference