Figure 1 -- THEN
Figure 2 -- NOW
Figure 3
7040 pairs of glasses
Figure 4
7040 Pairs of glasses in Plastic inventory boxes.
Glasses Programs Now available in Spanish
Both the Glasses Inventory and Glasses reader program are now available in English and Spanish. Click this link to see pictures about them. Click this link to see a picture of Holland Kendall and the translator who helped him translate these programs into Spanish.
Free Glasses Clinics
Consider doing free glasses clinics in the states. This will help many people who are struggling to provide for their family due to the pandemic. Being able to see is so incredibly important for the poor and underserved people in this country These free clinics have been done in states like: Tennessee, Missouri, Illinois, Kansas, Arkansas, Colorado, Louisiana, Texas, Michigan, Indiana and many other states. We can do the clinic in Kentucky as long as we have an optometrist or ophthalmologist working with us. We can provide everything you need to do these clinics.
Please Notice
Due to the pandemic 44 teams have cancelled their reservation for a kit for 2020. Ten teams have cancelled their reservation for 2021 with only 10 signed up. In 2022 only 49 teams signed up but now eleven of those teams have cancelled. In 2023 we have 60 teams who have signed up to use the equipment and 14 teams have cancelled. In 2024 we have 44 teams signed up but 4 have cancelled. Few teams are ordering glasses. However, our measurement team is still working. Most of the team work out of their home but several of them work in churches. At this point we have available nearly 600 pairs of used prescription glasses all measured, barcode labeled and ready to send to the teams. When we have used readers they are every bit like new. I doubt you can tell the difference. These glasses can be purchased for $.35 each plus S&H. The measurement team continues to measure but it requires money for us to provide them with supplies.
Read About our Gift of Sight Book.
Imagine if you couldn't see; imagine all the visual wonders that you would miss because your vision was so poor. For some, getting our eyes checked and the right prescription of glasses is affordable and allows us to see these visual wonders of God's creation, but for others, this could be a dream they believe will never come true.
Author Holland Kendall writes how God led him to start his own optometry ministry to help the vision needs of those less fortunate in Honduras, Nicaragua and around the world in his new book, The Gift of Sight.
The stories in The Gift of Sight show how God can move people to help those around them for the better. As we help others, we not only forget about our own problems but appreciate the blessing that it is to see. You can purchase the book on from this link, Barnes and Nobel by clicking this link and XULON press by clicking this link.
Look at the cover of the book to the right.======>
Kendall Optometry Ministry is struggling to survive. Please donate as much as you can as soon as possible. Click here for information as to how to donate.
Click the below picture to see a new and marvelous video about a
team who carried two of our kits into the Philippines in January.
Their mission trip was January 29th through February 9th of 2020
Click this LINK to see a training video that has been provided by this same team on how to run an optical clinic.
NEW (October, 2018)
Click on Equipment Information and then click the Other Equipment Information link to learn about the availability of the:
iCare Tonometer, Reichert Portable slit lamp, EyeNetra Phoroptor
and a portable lens and frames kit
Click this link to see our Organization Mission Statement and my testimonial.
Click this link to see this new video by Holland Kendall
President of Kendall Optometry Ministry. 7/11/2018
Plastic Eyeglasses Inventory Boxes available for $365 each plus S&H
Each box (see below) holds 160 pairs of cataloged glasses.
Click here for information (not prices) on these boxes. Click here to send an E-Mail to us if you are interested in purchasing some of these boxes.
See new Kendall Optometry Ministry World Wide Impact
video from 2003 to 2016
Click below picture to start video
Announcing remote training on the use of the Retinomax autorefractor.
Same Content and Clarity.
Taking orders now for next big order.
Practice Play is enabled.
See the Optometrists Analysis of this prescription.
Support us every time you sell on eBay. Click here to know how.
Click here to see volunteer opportunities to help Kendall Optometry Ministry.
(Updated 7/11/2022 thru 2022)
As you can see to the right due to the pandemic the usage of our optical kits have been greatly reduced. This is having a serious financial impact on our company. The number of teams traveling in 2020 has dropped from 104 in 2019 to 24 in 2020, 10 in 2021, 49 in 2022 with 11 of them cancelled and now 50 in 2023 with 11 cancelled.
Organizational Mission Statement
With primary emphasis in underdeveloped countries, Kendall Optometry Ministry, Inc. was established in 2003 to spread the Word of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This is accomplished by providing glasses to improve the vision of people living in many underdeveloped countries. These impoverished people can now see to read their Bible, and also improve their standard of living.
Kendall Optometry Ministry, Inc (KOM) is a 501-3c non-profit organization formed to provide optical equipment and training to Christian optical mission teams traveling all over the world. The equipment and training is provided at no cost and supplies are provided at a break even price. Teams are responsible for building their own eyeglasses inventory but much assistance (in the form of training and software) is provided by KOM to assist in the building of this inventory. KOM also has a limited supply of barcoded glasses (prescription in barcode) which can be used to quickly build an inventory.
Click below
Description of item.
One page brochure showing the sequence of fitting glasses. Pictures are taken from all over the world.
Multiple page presentation on the affect of glasses on people
4 page brochure summarizing what the company can do to help teams. Updated 10-21-2020
A map of the world showing where teams who use Kendall Optometry Ministry equipment travel. You can zoom into the map for further details. Note: This is a 12MB file updated October, 2010.
A presentation give on 6/24/2007 to Parkland Baptist Church in Louisville, Ky about Kendall Optometry Ministry and trying to encourage more particpation in the eyeglasses measurement ministry.
A testimonial by the President. (Revised: 1/25/2020)
I grew up in a Christian family. My father, M.H. Kendall, was a college professor and head of the religion department at Mars Hill College, Mars Hill, N.C. for nearly 40 years. Mars Hill College is now Mars Hill University at this link.
I worked for 29 years for General Electric Appliances in Louisville, Ky. During the last 4 years I averaged several hundred thousand miles each year visiting 30 different countries on international travel installing computer systems. All of this travel went flawlessly. God blessed me in everything that I did. It was something that I found to be obvious that God had a hand in my work.
In July, 1999 I decided I would take one mission trip to Honduras working through an organization called "Baptist Medical Dental Mission International" (BMDMI.ORG). My intent was to "pay back the Lord" with this one mission trip. When I arrived in the village, I asked the team leader what he wanted me to do. He said he had several boxes of used prescription glasses to hand out. These glasses were dirty, broken, and not measured. As you can see in Figure 1 to the left (scroll down a bit), we just set them out on a table and people came by and tried them on until something helped them. I immediately knew this was wrong but it was the best we could do then.
I came back from that trip with a God Given passion to do it better. Since 1999 I have gone to Honduras 30 times and Nicaragua 3 times. Each time something would be improved. The use of the autorefractor was introduced into Honduras in 2003 (to see Figure 2 scroll down a bit) and another one into Nicaragua in 2004. A special series of computer programs were developed to manage and build the inventory. You can review these programs at Since 2003 of the 51 BMDMI mission teams more than 95% of these teams use the equipment and software developed by Kendall Optometry Ministry, Inc.
In 2003 Kendall Optometry Ministry was incorporated as a 501-3c non-profit company. Using donations provided by several churches and individuals this company purchased a set of equipment which could be loaned out to Christian mission teams going all over the world. Later in 2005 a 2nd kit was purchased and in 2006 a 3rd and a 4th kit was purchased. In the beginning of 2007 a 5th kit was purchased. At the end of 2007 a 6th and 7th kit including a Retinomax 3 was purchased. By the end of 2009 the company owned 10 kits. In 2010 the company purchased two more kits. In 2011 the company purchased 1 more kit bringing the total to 13. By 2017 the company had purchased 18 kits. In 2018 KOM purchased kit number 19. Later we had to sell this kit to bring money into the company. See the growth of the company at this link. 2018 is only part of the year on this graph. Other teams will participate. The teams use this equipment to not only allow people to read their Bible but to also to help them improve their standard of living. You can read about some of these teams in the Teams Supported area of this web site.
Holland Kendall, President
Kendall Optometry Ministry, Inc.
Click here to learn more about us.
Kendall Optometry Ministry, Inc.
(Helping you help them see)
ANNOUNCEMENT (Last updated: 11/26/2021)
Eyeglasses Inventory Program now supports the Topcon RK-3000 Autorefractor. The total list supported includes the Retinomax, Retinomax 2, Retinomax 3, Burton Velo 20/10, Canon RK-2 (possibly R-30), Humphrey 597, Topcon KR-3000, Topcon KR-7000, Welch Allyn Suresight, Shin Nippon 8100, Reichert RK600, Marco Nidek ARK 20/30, Marco Nidek Handyref. (12 different models) There is possible support for the Topcon RK-3500, and 7000 series by emulating older models. New features have been added which increase the number of valid matches and record a history of patient measurements. Also the wizard has been enhanced and a new feature called "Practice Play" has been added also with an automatic optometrist analysis of every prescription measured. The program now allows you to both list and then remove all readers from your inventory to increase the probability of a match. Automatic refresh of the removal list has been added along with special protection against the initiation of duplicate copies of the program. A feature was added allowing you to include a notes section in the picklist where you could include the name and other information on the patient. You can also both list and remove any readers in your inventory. The version of the program is 7.6-3 which includes features to increase the likelyhood of a good match. The latest version 7.6-7 adds the ability to display the program in either English and Spanish.
Glasses Reader Program now supports this list of lensmeters: Reichert Lenschek, AL200, AL500, Humphrey LA340,350, 360, Topcon CL-100/200, Topcon CL-200, Tomey TL-900 & 3000, Nikon NL-2, Shin Nippon SLM-5000, Nidek LM-1000, Marco VL-3000, Justice JS-700, Essilor CLE-060, Seiko SL-7000, VisionX VX40, Reichert LensChek Plus, Huvitz 3100P, Huvitz HLM-7000 and Huvitz 7000P. (24 different models). Other models of these vendors will likely work if setup to communicate in a compatible fashion. Updates have been made to allow a proper response to a corrupted barcode or malfunctioning barcode reader. Glasses Reader now allows you to print out vacancy number labels to the DYMO printer (included in each of our kits) using the DYMO 30333 Dual labels. It can also flag glasses as Readers to prevent you from putting them into inventory so you can reserve your space for prescription glasses. They are kept with readers and matched to the patient using reading charts which we provide. The program now allows you to both list and then remove all readers from your inventory to increase the probability of a match. Special protection against the initiation of duplicate copies of the program. The latest version of the program is 4.7-7 which allows the program to display everything in English or Spanish.
New Windows Support: (11/26/2021)
Both programs now support Windows 2000, XP, VISTA-32, VISTA-64, Windows 7-32, Windows 7-64, Windows 8, Windows 8.1-64, and Windows 10-64. Support of Windows 11 is also now available. If you own a previous version of this program, you are entitled for an update. Please send a message by clicking this link and request an update.
Glasses Inventory and Glasses Reader programs in English and Spanish.
Below is a picture of the Glasses Inventory program in English and Spanish. Click here to see
the Glasses Reader program also in English and Spanish.
Glasses Inventory in English
Glasses Inventory in Spanish
 Glasses Reader Program in English and Spanish.
Below is a picture of the Glasses Reader program in English and Spanish.
Glasses Reader program in English.
Glasses Reader Program in Spanish.
Barcode Capture Window in English.
Barcode Capture Window in Spanish.
The Translator who helped.
Below is a picture of Holland Kendall with Jiovani Roque Dominguez who was the Mexican translator who helped me translate all the English phrases within these programs into Spanish. He also translated all the help documents which are a part of these programs.
Click LINK to go back to top.