Sources for supplies
Several suppliers are available for both readers and sunglasses.
The Lions Club is the biggest supplier of used measured prescription glasses. Their glasses aren't barcoded for rapid data entry. Typically they charge only for shipping but some of the clubs will charge $.10 per pair plus shipping. Beware: The measurement of Lions Club glasses are frequently inaccurate.
Kendall Optometry Ministry measures glasses also but all glasses are barcoded (for rapid input to the inventory) with the prescription as you can see below:
Click this link to read about it. We charge $.35 per pair plus shipping and handling. Our charges are only processing charges as we get the glasses free.
Lynn Roberts International has been an excellent supplier of readers and sunglasses. However, they have now gone out of business.
Shark Eyes is a good suppliers of readers and sunglasses. Click this link to see their offering. Remember to give them a phonecall at 1-877-405-3937 so that you can get the mission team discount.
A new supplier is American Reading Glasses. You can go to this link to see their offerings. They have some readers at $.50 per pair. You can contact them at 800-426-4846.
Several different companies provide high powered readers. Here is their information provided by one of the teams:
"I looked up where I got the 6.0x readers & you can go to for those. They were item 08674400600. Two sets of three were $19.98 & I believe they also handled the 4x & 5x too.
Found another source for high-powered readers -- Harriet Carter catalog -- website is , item #C8875 for 6x; item C8874 for 5x; item C8872 for 4x. Set of 3 for $12.98."
Another organization called "Restoring Vision" provides the best offering for readers and sunglasses. Below is a note from the founder of this organization. Here is a link to their brochure. Here is a link to their website.
We charge a flat $.50/pair for both readers and sunglasses. All glasses are new. The readers are in 300 and 400 pair boxes with a range of powers. The sunglasses are in 10 pair bags. That price includes our sourcing, and sorting. It does not including shipping charges. We are also offering a special on sunglasses. If you order 400 readers are regular price, you can get 300 sunglasses at 1/2 price. So, $275 for 400 readers AND 300 sunglasses. Please allow 3-4 weeks for delivery.
Thank you. We appreciate the support.
Mark Sachs
222 Ridgewood Drive
San Rafael, California 94901
Ph: 209-980-7323